
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec mollis nunc lacus, iaculis elementum tellus scelerisque sed. Quisque a scelerisque felis. Fusce non lorem nec nunc condimentum aliquam venenatis et nulla. Maecenas pharetra sagittis turpis et convallis.

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Vegetable Pasta

One serving of this pasta dish provides two servings of vegetables. Use your favorite green vegetables like broccoli, peas, green beans or asparagus.

Sweet and Crunchy Cabbage Slaw

This recipe is a healthy alternative to creamy coleslaw. Apples add sweetness. Cabbage and carrots add crunch. Try adding chopped nuts or dried fruit to add different textures.

Citrus Broccoli Stir-fry

Stir frying is a way to cook vegetables quickly. When cooking, stir vegetables, so that they do not stick to the skillet and burn.

Simple Succotash

Succotash is made with corn, lima beans, and tomatoes. It is a common side dish in the southern United States.

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