
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec mollis nunc lacus, iaculis elementum tellus scelerisque sed. Quisque a scelerisque felis. Fusce non lorem nec nunc condimentum aliquam venenatis et nulla. Maecenas pharetra sagittis turpis et convallis.

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Root Vegetable Hash

This recipe is a fast way to cook root vegetables. It works well with any kind of root vegetable. Try using parsnips, rutabaga or turnips.

Vegetable Fried Rice

Frozen vegetables are as nutritious as fresh vegetables. Frozen vegetables are cooked before they are frozen, so they take less time to cook.

Cabbage with Apples and Onions

Cabbage is available all year long. This recipe works well with any kind of cabbage. Apples and onions make bitter cabbage taste sweet.

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